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Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Business / Business Management

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Beacon International College is a BTEC Approved Centre for the above programme.

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Edexcel, BTEC and LCCI qualifications are awarded by Pearson, the UK’s largest awarding body offering academic and vocational qualifications that are globally recognised and benchmarked. For further information, please visit our qualification websites at www.edexcel.com, www.btec.co.uk or www.lcci.org.uk.

  • To equip students with business skills, knowledge and the understanding necessary to achieve high performance in the global business environment;
  • To provide education and training for a range of careers in business, including management, administration, human resources, marketing, entrepreneurship, accounting and finance;
  • To provide insight and understanding into international business operations and the opportunities and challenges presented by a globalised market place;
  • To equip students with knowledge and understanding of culturally diverse organisations, cross-cultural issues, diversity and values;
  • To provide opportunities for students to enter or progress in employment in business, or progress to higher education qualifications such as an Honours degree in business or a related area;
  • To provide opportunities for students to develop the skills, techniques and personal attributes essential for successful working lives;
  • To provide opportunities for those students with a global outlook to aspire to international career pathways;
  • To provide opportunities for students to achieve a nationally-recognised professional qualification;
  • To offer students the chance of career progression in their chosen field;
  • To allow flexibility of study and to meet local or specialist needs;
  • To offer a balance between employability skills and the knowledge essential for students with entrepreneurial, employment or academic aspirations.
Course Structure

The Higher National Diploma course comprises of fifteen (15) subject units of study. The fifteen (15) units are determined by the college from the following list:

Core Units

The aim of this unit is to provide students with background knowledge and understanding of business, the functions of an organisation and the wider business environments in which organisations operate. Students will examine the different types of organisations (including for profit and not for profit), their size and scope (for instance, micro, SME, transnational and global) and how they operate.

Students will explore the relationships that organisations have with their various stakeholders and how the wider external environments influence and shape business decision-making.

The knowledge, understanding and skill sets gained in this unit will help students to choose their own preferred areas of specialism in future studies and in their professional career.

The aim of this unit is to enable students to appreciate and apply principles of effective Human Resource Management (HRM). People are the lifeblood of any organisation and being able to attract, recruit and retain talented staff is at the core of all HRM activity. This unit will explore the tools and techniques used in HRM to maximise the employee contribution and how to use HR methods to gain competitive advantage. Students will explore the importance of training and development in building and extending the skills base of the organisation and ensuring it is relevant to the ever-changing business environment. Students will also consider the growing importance of becoming a flexible organisation with an equally flexible labour force, and become familiar with techniques of job design and with different reward systems.

The unit investigates the importance of good employee relations and the ways in which employers engage with their staff and possibly with trade unions. Students will gain an understanding of the law governing HRM processes as well as the best practices which enable an employer to become an ‘employer of choice’ in their labour market.

The overall aim of this unit is to introduce fundamental accounting principles that underpin financial operations and support good and sustainable decision making in any organisation. Students will develop a theoretical and practical understanding of a range of financial and management accounting techniques.

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to assist senior colleagues in producing and analysing budgets, drawing up simple financial statements and using financial ratios to interpret performance. Students will also explore wider aspects of accountancy, especially ethics, transparency and sustainability, and gain fundamental knowledge and skills that will enable them to progress to a higher level of study.

The aim of this unit is to help students to understand the difference between the function of a manager and the role of a leader. Students will consider the characteristics, behaviours and traits that support effective management and leadership. Students will learn about the theories that have shaped the understanding of leadership and management and how these have provided a guide to action for managers and leaders who want to secure success for their businesses. Students will look at leadership styles, how and why they are used and the extent to which they are effective.

This unit also gives students an understanding of motivational strategies. They will develop motivational strategies covering intrinsic and extrinsic aspects of motivation. Finally, students will evaluate the importance of managing performance in achieving continuous improvement.

This unit is assessed by a Pearson-set assignment. The project brief will be set by the centre, based on a theme provided by Pearson (this will change annually). The theme and chosen project within the theme will enable students to explore and examine a relevant and current topical aspect of business in the context of the business environment.

The aim of this unit is to offer students an opportunity to demonstrate the skills required for managing and implementing a project. They will undertake independent research and investigation for carrying out and executing a business project which meets appropriate business aims and objectives.

On successful completion of this unit students will have the confidence to engage in decision-making, problem-solving and research activities using project management skills. They will have the fundamental knowledge and skills to enable them to investigate and examine relevant business concepts within a work-related context, determine appropriate outcomes, decisions or solutions and present evidence to various stakeholders in an acceptable and understandable format.

This unit is designed to introduce students to the dynamic world of the marketing sector and the wealth of exciting career opportunities available to support their decision making in their career choices. Students will have the opportunity to learn about the competencies and behaviours required by employers to work in the marketing sector. They will be introduced to the key principles of marketing, enabling them to develop a marketing plan and to employ elements of the marketing mix to achieve results. They will study the underpinning theories and frameworks of marketing while relating them to real-world examples, including products/services that they encounter in their daily lives.

The knowledge, understanding and skill sets that students will gain on successfully completing this unit will enhance their career opportunities; whether this is setting up their own business or employment in an organisation.

The aim of this unit is to develop a student’s understanding of the influence culture, politics and power have on the behaviour of others in an organisational context. Students will be in a position to apply the principles of organisational behaviour to a variety of business situations.

On successful completion of this unit students will have an understanding and awareness of key influences which affect the behaviour of individuals, teams and organisations as a whole. They will be able to use this knowledge to make an immediate and positive contribution in the workplace, whether that role is as part of a team or as a team leader. This will be achieved through a strong appreciation of working in a team, having a more profound perspective of what makes people and organisations do what they do, and how to adjust one’s own behaviour to reflect the circumstances and situation.

This unit is assessed by a Pearson-set assignment. Students will choose their own project based on a theme provided by Pearson (this will change annually). The project must be related to their specialist pathway of study (unless the student is studying the general business pathway). This will enable students to explore and examine a relevant and current topical aspect of business in the context of the business environment and their chosen specialist pathway.

The aim of this unit is to offer students the opportunity to engage in sustained research in a specific field of study. The unit enables students to demonstrate the capacity and ability to identify a research theme, to develop research aims, objectives and outcomes, and to present the outcomes of such research in both written and verbal formats. The unit also encourages students to reflect on their engagement in the research process during which recommendations for future, personal development are key learning points.

On successful completion of this unit students will have the confidence to engage in problem-solving and research activities which are part of the function of a manager. Students will have the fundamental knowledge and skills to enable them to investigate workplace issues and problems, determine appropriate solutions and present evidence to various stakeholders in an acceptable and understandable format.

Optional Units (Business)

This unit is designed to enhance students’ knowledge and understanding of the consumer’s decision-making processes, from needs recognition through research, the evaluation of alternatives, purchase and post-purchase evaluation. While students will learn the underpinning theories and frameworks, they will also be expected to relate these to real-world examples, including their own personal experiences.

How do we buy products and services?

What motivates us to seek out a particular product or service?

What research do we undertake prior to making a decision?

Do we seek out other people’s opinions, perhaps through social media?

To what extent do other people’s opinions influence our own?

How do we feel after we have made the purchase?

These are the types of questions to which organisations seek to gain answers. An important part of marketing is understanding the processes behind how a consumer makes the decision to purchase a product and/or service. This is applicable as much to Business to Business (B2B) as it is to Business to Consumer (B2C).

The knowledge, understanding and skill sets that students will gain on successfully completing this unit will enhance their career opportunities; whether setting up in business independently or being employed by an organisation.

This unit provides students with an appreciation of how small and medium enterprises (SMEs) develop and grow. Students will learn about and apply techniques for identifying opportunities for growth, and appraise options for achieving growth, including via collaboration. Students will also learn about the sources of investment finance and consider how an SME attracts investors. They will gain an understanding of the options for SMEs in terms of exit or, for family businesses, succession, and be able to appreciate the importance of making informed choices when choosing routes to growth and have an understanding of the potential risks vs rewards involved with growth.

The aim of this unit is to provide students with an understanding of how management information and decision-making are enhanced by the application of statistical methods. Students will learn about a range of statistical techniques and how they can inform management thinking. While studying the unit they will develop their numerical abilities and increase their confidence in handling data in order to create information and knowledge.

Specialist Units (Business Management)

The aim of this unit is to explore the wider position some organisations have in the global environment. Students will appreciate the complexities of operating in a global environment, and this will enable them to offer greater breadth and depth to an organisation’s current or aspirational global presence.

On successful completion of this unit students will have developed an understanding of the wider global environment in which organisations operate. This will enable students to add value to an organisation as they will be able to apply their knowledge in such a way that they could advise senior managers (in either large or small organisations) on global matters which they may not have ordinarily considered.

The aim of this unit is to introduce students to the role of operations in an organisation, how the nature of operations management has evolved and how it contributes to sustained competitive advantage. Students will understand the key concepts of operations management in an organisational and environmental context, and how this links to supply chain management, products and processes, organisational efficiency and effectiveness, and the achievement of tactical and strategic objectives. A variety of operations management techniques and frameworks will be explored, including continuous improvement, total quality management, benchmarking and risk analysis.

By the end of this unit, students will have an appreciation of the dimensions of operations management and its central role for organisations across a wide range of sectors. Students will also have the knowledge and skills required to progress to higher levels of study or employment in positions in operations, logistics and supply.

The aim of this unit is to prepare students to anticipate, plan and deliver organisational change. In addition students will be able to predetermine appropriate and timely interventions required to maximise the benefits and minimise the risk of organisational change.

On successful completion of this unit students will have developed sufficient knowledge and understanding of leadership in the context of organisational change to make an effective and immediate contribution to the way in which an organisation determines and responds to change drivers. Students will also be in a strong position to contribute to change initiatives as well as to consider the strategies required to change resistors.

General Elective Units

The aim of this unit is to enhance students’ understanding of how business law is applied to the running of a company. Students will gain knowledge of business law and examine the impact of the law on business operations and decision-making. Throughout the unit students will identify legal solutions available to business owners and assess their suitability. Their experiences in this unit will help them better understand the areas of law in which they will want to specialise. They will be able to illustrate the impact of the law on normal business operations and when registering a company and inviting shareholders to invest in it. They will gain an understanding of the law in relation to market abuse and director responsibilities. Students will be able to recognise the application of employment law between employers and employees.

The aim of this unit is to develop students’ awareness of the different kinds of strategy which could be used in an operational, tactical or strategic role for an organisation. This will be underpinned by a thorough knowledge and understanding of the theories, models and concepts which could significantly support an organisation’s strategic choice and direction.

On successful completion of this unit students will have developed sufficient knowledge and understanding of strategy to make a positive, efficient and effective contribution to the development of business plans and operational direction. This could be in the role of a junior manager responsible for having a specific input into an organisation’s decision-making and planning.

The aim of this unit is to provide students with the opportunity to appreciate that developing knowledge and skills to achieve high performance is a cross-organisation activity. Students will recognise that their own professional development is just one route to improving the performance of those teams and organisations in which they work. They will also gain an awareness of the context in which learning takes place and how development needs are linked to learning interventions aimed at supporting an organisation’s strategy.

On successful completion of this unit, students will have laid the foundations for their own continuing professional development which will support their future engagement in lifelong learning. They will also be able to contribute to the development of others and make a positive contribution to the sustainable growth of an organisation.

The unit aims to illustrate the concept of entrepreneurship and how having an entrepreneurial mindset can make a contribution to all businesses, be that a new business start-up or existing public and corporate organisations. Students will explore the skills, traits and characteristics of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. Students will understand the importance of difference size businesses on the economy and the contribution they can all make to society. Students will also learn about the need for intrapreneurs and the impact of disruptive entrepreneurship.

By the end of the unit, students will have gained research skills and the knowledge that they can develop an entrepreneurial mindset that will benefit them throughout their career. They will understand the contribution that businesses make to the economy and the importance of entrepreneurial activity for all businesses in all sectors.

Balancing the books is at the heart of all business management. The overall aim of this unit is to introduce students to essential financial accounting principles and techniques which will enable them to record and prepare basic final accounts. Students will learn how to prepare accounts for sole traders and partnerships as well as limited companies.

On successful completion of this unit students will be able to contribute effectively to the accounting function of an organisation, or to understand how to record and prepare basic financial accounts for their own business. They will have the knowledge and skills required to progress to a higher level of study.

This unit aims to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of innovation and commercialisation.

In today’s competitive landscape it is critical that organisations continually innovate both their product offering and processes to ensure that they remain competitive in the market. Furthermore, adopting a more commercially driven approach is vital to maximise the Return on Investment (ROI).

In this unit, we will look at a number of tools and techniques organisations use to drive innovation and become more commercial in their approach. The aim of the unit is to give students cutting-edge knowledge as well as practical application of the key ways organisations become more innovative while remaining commercially driven.

Admission Criteria

Age Requirement

  • At least 18 years old

Academic Requirement

  • Diploma
  • Chinese Senior Secondary Year 3
  • GCE ‘A’ Levels – at least two (2) passes including English
  • ITE Higher NITEC 2.5
  • STPM – 2 passes
  • Grade 12
  • Any other equivalent qualification

English Entry Requirement

Students with equivalent foreign qualifications may be admitted provided they are proficient in the English Language, and possess

  1. IELTS 5.5 or equivalent qualifications OR
  2. a Pass in English Placement Test determined by the College


Those who fail the English Placement Test will be required to successfully complete the EAP/ESL (Lower Intermediate) course conducted by college

More mature learners may present a more varied profile of achievement that is likely to include extensive work experience of paid and/or unpaid employment and/or achievement of a range of professional qualifications in their work sector.


Course Information

Course Length:

This Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Business / Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Business (Management) Award takes approximately 960 hours excluding the development and implementation of coursework.

Total Duration:18 months (full-time)24 months (part-time)
Total Course Hours:960 hours


  1. To be awarded the Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Business, the student must meet the award criteria below.
  2. To be awarded the Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Business (Management), the student must meet the award criteria below.


Award Criteria

A 240-credit qualifications that consists eight (8) Core units plus seven specialist optional units and that provide for a combined total of 240 credits.  The rules of combination for this qualification are as specified as follows:

  1. Qualification credit value: a minimum of 240 credits.
  2. Core units: 135 credits.
  3. Specialist optional units: 105 credits.

Teacher-Student Ratio

Students may refer to the here for more information.

Course Details

Teaching Approach / Methods / Techniques

The course is mainly conducted in the classroom via face-to-face learning which encourages student-teacher interaction. Students are encouraged to attend field trips organised by the school to encourage experiential learning. Examples included,

  • Brainstorming
  • Debates
  • Discussion
  • Group Work
  • Field Trips
  • Case Studies
  • Role Play
  • Simulation
  • Lecture
  • Tutorial
  • Practical
  • Workshop
  • Demonstration
  • Presentation


Assessment Approach and Mode

Both Formative and Summative Assessments are used according to the requirements of the learning outcomes of each subject unit. Examples included,

  • Online or class discussion
  • Project work (individual / group)
  • Research Work
  • Quizzes
  • Subject assignments including assignment reports
  • Class participation in question and answer sessions
  • Oral presentation (individual / group)

where relevant, valid and appropriate.