Recruitment Agents

Recruitment Agents

Please click here to view the announcement.

Identification & Selection Criteria

Beacon International College is interested in working with professional and trustworthy Recruitment Agents (RA) from around the world. We here at Beacon pride ourselves on the service quality and guidance given to our students by us and our authorised agents.
If you meet the following requirements below and are interested in becoming an authorised agent for Beacon do contact us.

Identification Criteria (to Meet At Least 3)

*Compulsory Requirements

Selection Criteria (to Meet All 3)

All RAs who are interested in becoming a representative of Beacon will be required to attend an interview session. Once the RA meets the Identification and Selection Criteria, and have submitted required documents to Beacon for approval, the marketing staff will start the appointment process with the RA.

The appointment process starts with the training of the potential RA conducted by the Marketing Staff. Both RAs and the Marketing Staff signs on the training form and acknowledge that the information covered in the training is clear.

After which, the Marketing Staff will ensure that the required documents are complete before the Agent Agreement is signed. The appointed RA is given a copy of the Agent Agreement. The RA should sign and return the signed copy to Beacon for filing either in person or via email within 1 month (which may be extended by the HOD from the date of the agreement, failure to do so will render the agreement void.

When a RA fails to meet the Selection Criteria, the RA is advised to provide reason(s) why the RA is unable to meet the Selection Criteria. Approval of exception cases will be granted by the HOD on case by case basis.

Commission is payable to the agent for every student who is successfully recruited and makes full payment for a course with Beacon. Commission rates vary and are dependent on the number of students recruited in the current and previous years by the RA/agent. The commission rate and payment terms are stated in the RA/agent agreement.

Beacon reserves the right to terminate the RA’s/agent’s agreement if the RA/agent is found to have taken actions contrary to Singapore laws or its code of conduct. The termination will be announced on Beacon’s official website for at least 3 months.

An annual review will be conducted which is based on the performance of the RA/agent in student numbers recruited, obeying the code of conduct, students’ feedback, etc. The RA/agent must agree to the clauses and code of conduct stated in the RA’s/agent’s agreement. Once the RA meets the evaluation criteria, the RA goes through the re-appointment process. Upon completion of the re-appointment process, the RA’s re-appointment is complete.

Recruitment Agents (RA) Roles and Responsibilities

The RA shall provide Beacon with all of the following services (collectively, the “Services”):

  1. Student Recruitment
    The RA shall assist to recruit and/or refer students from designated Territories to enroll in Beacon’s various courses including English, GCE O-Level Preparatory Course, Beacon’s Diploma, Pearson Edexcel iProgress, BTEC Higher National Diploma, Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree courses offered by Beacon. The Consultant agrees to recruit and/or refer any students only from the specificied Territory.
  2. Application Processing
    For each prospective student recruited or referred by the RA to Beacon, the RA shall submit completed application forms and other required documents, along with duly verified copies of supporting documents bearing the RA’s name, to Beacon as evidence of the referral or recruitment.
  3. Regular Liaison
    The RA shall maintain regular communication with Beacon to confirm the receipt of student applications, arrange payment schedules, and provide updates on potential opportunities, issues, and competitor activities within the Territory.
  4. Publicity Material
    Acting as a point of contact for Beacon, the RA shall assist in formulating and distributing Beacon’s publicity materials relevant to student recruitment within the Territory.
  5. Marketing Material Approval
    The RA shall ensure all marketing materials related to Beacon are approved by Beacon before printing and distributing them within the Territory. Any promotional materials or advertisements must be vetted and approved by Beacon.
  6. Compliance
    The RA shall notify Beacon of any relevant government initiatives or laws in the Territory that may impact this Agreement or the recruitment of international students.
  7. Record-Keeping
    Maintaining records of all student applications submitted to Beacon, the RA shall make such records available to Beacon upon request.
  8. Representation
    The RA shall accurately represent Beacon at all times and refrain from misrepresenting the relationship between the RA and Beacon or any aspect of Beacon’s courses, fees, facilities, aims, or corporate objectives.
  9. Integrity
    The RA shall refrain from engaging in activities that could damage Beacon’s reputation or integrity.
  10. Student Support
    Providing pre-course counseling for recruited students at the RA’s own cost, the RA shall support students recruited until the completion of their enrolled courses at Beacon.
  11. Refund Policy
    Ensuring that all recruited students are aware of Beacon’s refund policy during pre-course counseling.
  12. Fee Handling
    The RA shall not collect course fees from students on behalf of Beacon but shall direct prospective students to make payments directly to Beacon’s designated bank account.
  13. Consultation Fee

    The RA shall not collect any consultation fees under Beacon’s name from prospective or existing students.

Recruitment Agents (RA) Code of Conduct

The code of conduct will also be applicable to the RAs engaged by the PEI to recruit students on its behalf. The code of conduct covers the following basic areas:

  1. the RA must not contravene any expectation stated in this Agreement;
  2. the RA must not be engaged in any unethical practice such as making claims, warranties, representations or statements which may be false, untrue, ambiguous, misleading, inaccurate or fraudulent;
  3. the RA must be aware of the relevant Singapore laws and regulations and guidelines issued by the relevant authorities and not go against these laws and regulations and guidelines;
  4. the RA must apply principles of fair trading when recruiting students and must not engage in high-pressure sales, “bait and switch” advertising or similar unfair practices;
  5. the RA must not be negligent, careless or incompetent such that they compromise the integrity of Beacon and Singapore’s reputation;
  6. the RA must contact Beacon to clarify any doubts on the provision of the Services which it may have from time to time; and
  7. the RA shall not collect payment from prospective or existing students on behalf of Beacon.