Our Service Targets

Our Service Targets


We will reply to general enquiries within 3 working days.

Student Outcomes and Satisfaction Rates

Beacon strives to be in continual pursuit of the following targets to ensure that the courses offered and services rendered maintain their quality and relevance. Since 2021, Beacon has achieved:

  • Above 94% student satisfaction rate on agent and marketing staff service;
  • Above 85% of student satisfaction rate on student admin services;
  • Above 3.40 (on a 4.0 scale) of student satisfaction rate on overall student satisfaction rate on teaching;
  • Above 82% graduation rate.                                                                                                                                            

(Kindly refer to Private Education Institution (PEI) Graduate Employability Survey (GES) https://www.skillsfuture.gov.sg/pei/ges)

For more details on the above student satisfaction rates and graduation rate, please contact us at qa@beacon.edu.sg.

Feedback Management System

BEACON welcomes your feedback and suggestions that will help us to support you in your learning journey. Be it a feedback on teaching and learning, student services and welfare, or the school environment, we are all ears. Students may provide feedback or raise issue of concern via the following channels:

  • Student Services Counter

  • Customers Feedback Form

  • Email : feedback@Beacon.edu.sg

  • Telephone : +65 6338 5595

  • Discussions and meetings with mentors, school counsellor, managers or staff

Students are encouraged to raise their concerns to our staff or managers at the earlier opportunity. Feedback are logged and handled by Beacon’s Feedback Management System that ensures that the first acknowledgement of the feedback is given within 3 working days. Beacon endeavours to resolve all feedback within 21 working days and during the period of deliberation, provides a series of updates to students.

Complaints however, need to be submitted in a written form via the Feedback form or a letter/email.

In the event that counselling services is required, you will be referred to the School Counsellor.

It is the School’s policy to establish facts and conduct objective investigations to reach a fair and amicable, or a ‘win-win’ solution to address a grievance. Complaints should be brought to the attention of Beacon so that they may be resolved internally.

Despite all efforts, if you are unsatisfied with the feedback outcome, you may approach the CPE’s Student Services Centre (SSC) for help. SSC officers will review the complaints and may refer you to the CPE Mediation – Arbitration Scheme [Please note that fees are chargeable for using the Scheme]

Please refer to CPE website for details: https://www.ssg.gov.sg/cpe/student-services/dispute-resolution.html

Course Fee Refunds

We will process your refund in 7 working days upon receipt of your request for eligible refunds.

Student’s Pass Applications

We will process your student’s pass application within 3 working days upon receipt of complete information and documents.

To help us serve you better, please ensure that the following documents are complete:

  • Passport

  • Passport-size Color Photo with white background

  • Birth Certificate (translated and notarised)

  • Graduation Certificates (translated and notarised)

  • Academic Results Slips (translated and notarised)

  • Bank Information

  • Family Biodata

  • Beacon Application Form