

A student may be eligible for a refund based on the following:

1. Withdrawal Due to Non-Delivery of Course

  • Beacon does not commence the Course ON the Course Commencement Date;

  • Beacon terminates the Course BEFORE the Course Commencement Date;

  • Beacon does not complete the Course BY the Course Completion Date;

  • Beacon terminates the Course BEFORE the Course Completion Date;

  • Beacon has not ensured that the student meets the course entry requirements as stated in Schedule A Course Details of the Student Contract within the stipulated timeline set by CPE; or

  • the Student Pass Application is rejected by the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).

In the event that the student decides to withdraw within seven (7) working days of the written notice stating any of the above situations or where there is NO alternative study arrangement possible, he is entitled to a refund of the ENTIRE Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees already paid.

2. Withdrawal during the Student Contract “Cooling-Off” Period

In the event that the student submits a written notice of withdrawal from the course during the 7-day cooling-off period, the student is entitled to the highest percentage (currently at 70%) as stated in Schedule D of the Student Contract. This policy applies regardless of whether the Student has started the Course or not.

3. Withdrawal before Course Commencement

% of [the amount of fees paid under
Schedules B and C]
If Student’s written notice of withdrawal is received
70%(“Maximum Refund”) More than [30] days before the Course Commencement Date
50%More than [13] days before the Course Commencement Date, but not more than [30] days before the Commencement Date
0%Not more than [13] days before the Course Commencement Date

4. Withdrawal after Course Commencement

Students are generally not eligible for refund after their course has commenced. However, based on the reason, they may submit an appeal for refund. These requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Please refer to the appeal guidelines below.

Non-Refundable Fees

  • Application Fee & Overpayment of Fees equal or less than $15.

Refund Request, Refund Timeline & Net Refund Amount

  • All requests for refund must be made using the Refund Request Form.

  • The time taken to process the refund request shall not be more than seven (7) working days from the date of
    Refund Request Form duly signed by the student with complete documents / information. Where the refund is requested to be remitted into the student’s bank account, the date stamped by the bank or any remittance agency on which the transfer of funds is requested / applied for is deemed the date of payment of refund.

  • The refund amount shall be net of bank / administrative charges in the event that the student requests for the refund to be remitted via telegraphic / bank transfer or through remittance agency.

Appeal for Refund

  • A student who is not eligible to a refund may submit an appeal for special consideration using the Student Request Form together with supporting documents, if applicable.

  • Each case will be reviewed by the Management on its own merit.

  • The student will be notified of the outcome of the appeal within seven (7) working days of the date of receipt of duly completed and signed Student Request Form with complete relevant documents.
  1. If a student is eligible for a refund based on the above policies, the student may submit a Refund Request Form, along with any relevant supporting documents, to the Student Services Department.
  2. The Student Services staff will process the form by 1.) verifying if the student qualifies for the refund , 2.) compute the refund amount and 3.) communicate the refund computation to the student before passing the form on for management approval.
  3. The relevant management approval signatories (based on the refund amount) reviews the Refund Request Form and provide their approval.
  4. The Finance Department will then prepare the refund in the form of cash/cheque/bank transfer (for students in Singapore) and telegraphic transfer (for students out of Singapore).
  5. During collection of the refund, the Student Services staff will again communicate how the refund was computed to the student. For refunds via cash, the student will acknowledge the refund by signing off on the payment voucher. For refunds via bank transfer, the transcation advices will confirm the refund has been processed.

Communication to Prospective & Current Students

  • Beacon Website
  • Student Handbook
  • During Pre-Course Counselling
  • During Student Orientation
  • Signing of Standard PEI-Student Contract