MBA (Supply Chain Management)

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University of East London’s MBA is a dynamic, contemporary and practical course designed to produce the business leaders of the future.

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This course is designed to give learners the opportunity to:

  • Study organisations, their management and the changing external context in which they operate.
  • Develop the ability to apply knowledge and understanding of business and management to complex or difficult issues, both systematically and creatively, to improve business and management practice, including within an international context.
  • Develop knowledge of contemporary key principles, practices, systems and techniques used in supply chain management.
  • Gain knowledge and understanding of business innovation – creativity, intrapreneurial – and entrepreneurial behaviour and enterprise development, and the management and exploitation of intellectual property.
  • Develop leadership and management skills – leadership and management of people within organisations – leadership, organisational behaviour and motivation.
  • Develop lifelong learning skills, including engendering an enthusiasm for business and for learning more generally as part of continuing personal and professional development.
Course Content

The Master of Business Administration (Supply Chain Management) comprises of these six (6) compulsory units from the following list determined by the School:

Compulsory Units

In this module will enable you to explore the process of creating, evaluating and developing strategy and operations. You will be introduced to the challenges and practices associated with becoming strategic leaders and how organizations manage their operations.

The module aims to develop the personal and professional skills that enhance employability and career opportunities. On the other hand, the module aims to develop your understanding and skills in people management and leadership. You will learn some key theories that underpin the latest thinking in the knowledge and skills of being an outstanding leader and manager, regardless of sector (private, public, or non-profit sector).

This module is designed to introduce you to contemporary principles and practices in marketing, in a customer focused and market oriented organisation. Relationship marketing is the recent marketing approach that develops around the buying and consumption experience. As such the module aims to develop your in depth understanding of the strategic role of marketing in business, and its impact on the market and society in the digital age.

This module provides the opportunity for you to develop the ability to diagnose and investigate a live, complex business issue from a variety of perspectives, to locate the work within the body of contemporary knowledge, to collect and analyse data, to derive supportable conclusions and to make practical and actionable recommendations for change, improvement or enhancement of current practice.

As a business professional managing an organization, you will find yourself working in changing, challenging, and complex global environments. Therefore, management has increasingly focused on skills and self-development, including key emotional, psychological, and social determinants of human performance that are critical for successful professional practice. This module, as a ‘mental wealth’ initiative, aims to develop a full range of skills, competencies, and experiences required for successful performance and practice in various potential careers. Your personal and professional development will be fueled by advancing your analytical, emotional, cultural, cognitive, and social intelligences through taught sessions and workshop activities based on reflective practices. The module will enhance your potential by introducing you to a wide range of approaches, including reflective skills, self-care, and empathetic alertness, and equip you with the confidence, competencies, and courage to lead. This module provides the opportunity for you to demonstrate the ability to diagnose and investigate complex business issues from various perspectives, situate the work within the body of contemporary knowledge, derive supportable conclusions, and make practical and actionable recommendations for change, improvement, or enhancement of current practices at individual, organizational, and community levels.

The module is designed to introduce you to contemporary key principles, practices, systems and techniques used in supply chain management. The way a supply chain functions in its environment is critical to meet an organisation’s strategic objectives. To sustain and improve their competitive position, modern organisations work together with upstream and downstream members in the value chain to provide products and/or services that satisfy their customers’ preferences and needs. The aim of this module is to develop your in-depth understanding of how supply chain processes and functions are interrelated with business strategy.

The aim of this module is to enable you to conduct a live applied business project that should address a supply chain problem. This could include a work-based project or a case study or other empirical research that will demonstrate understanding of applied research and the relationship between Supply Chain Management and Logistics Theory and its practical implication in real life.

Admission Criteria

Age Requirement

At least 20 years old

Academic Requirement

  1. Lower Second Class classification (2:2) from an undergraduate degree or equivalent
  2. A non-graduate qualification for mature students who are at least 30 years old and with minimum of 8 years of working experience

English Entry Requirement

For those candidates whose first language is not English, they are excepted to have:

  1. at least an IELTS 6.0 (with a minimum of 6.0 in Writing and Speaking; minimum 5.5 in Reading and Listening),

2. or the equivalent

Exemptions / Credit Transfer / Advanced Standing

Candidates who do not hold such qualifications (i.e.: formal qualifications which marginally fall short of the normal minimum entry requirements) and are at least 30 years old will be assessed as to their suitability through interview, and where necessary the taking of references. They should be compensated for by his/her relevant work experience provided that such candidates have held, for a minimum of eight years, a responsible position which is relevant to the Master’s degree to be pursued.

Key Facts
Accredited by: University of East London

Course Length:

12 Months (Full-Time & Part-Time)

Support for students and their learning:

  • All students studying in Beacon benefit from the team of dedicated tutors who provide a point of personal and regular contact for students
  • Student handbook, programme handbook  and individual module handbooks
  • Module content and materials via  Moodle Virtual Learning Environment
  • Library and learning resources of both University of East London and Beacon
  • Wifi, photocopying & printing services, library with PCs and laptop recommendation services
  • Unlimited worldwide web access
  • Access to student services including those offered by careers, welfare and counselling.

Teacher-Student Ratio

Students may refer to the Here for more information.

About University of East London

The University of East London is founded in 1898 and located in the East London boroughs of Stratford and Docklands. It is ranked:


  • 1st modern university in London in the National Student Survey 2018 league table
  • 2nd modern university in London for ‘teaching on my course’ (NSS 2017)
  • 3rd modern university in London for ‘academic support’ (NSS 2017)
  • World’s top 200 young universities (Times Higher Education Young University Rankings 2018)
  • World’s top 1000 universities (Times Higher Education University Ranking 2021)
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