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Higher Diploma in Business (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)

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The logistics industry is moving global and the globalization process is the key to logistics professionals’ skillsets.
The programme aims to equip students with the global knowledge and skills of business, logistics and supply chain management. It assists students to achieve a high degree of effectiveness within the business logistics industry by providing a wide range of relevant skills and talents to complement their experience in their scope of work. Graduates can apply for global careers in logistics, procurement, distribution, warehouse and e-commerce positions.

Course Structure

The Higher Diploma course comprises of eight subject units of study.

The subject units are as follows:

This subject is designed to assist students in developing their people skills so that they can become a state-of-the-art manager.  This will be achieved by providing students with the concepts, theories, issues and insights into the behavioural aspects of individuals and work groups.  The purpose of this subject is to study human behaviour in organisations at the individual and group level and to identify the effect of organisation structure and processes on behaviour.

This subject introduces the principles of management and the current human resource management theory including; strategic human resource management, human resource information systems, job design, recruitment and selection of staff, staff development, staff motivation and compensation. It also provides students with a practical approach to human resource management through the use of case studies and practical exercises.

This module introduces students the fundamental concepts of business and the importance of the need in managing fund, and the use of fund. The students are expected to apply the analytical techniques learnt in the main areas of costing, financial decision making, i.e. financial statement analysis.

This module focus on logistics management marketing which aims to give participants a good knowledge of a basic principles of marketing and a sound grasp of marketing concepts and applications. Students will examine marketing management’s roles within the organizations relationship between the marketing concept and other concepts such as innovation and entrepreneurship, tools and methods used to examine marketing environments, understand consumer and organizational buying behavior, segment markets and position products, develop new products, manage existing products and promote, price and place products.

The course introduces students to Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-Commerce.  E-Commerce is the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks.   The use of commerce is conducted in this way, spurring and drawing on innovations and deployments in electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems.

This module focuses on the constellation of Supply Chain Resiliency and Risks arising from emerging technologies, financial inter-dependence, resource depletion, climate change and disasters which exposes the weak and brittle nature of existing safeguards – the policies, norms, regulations or organizations which manages the supply chain. The safeguards may no longer be fit to manage vital resources and ensure the consistent performance of the global supply chain. The interdependence, exposure and complexity inherent in globalization require engaging a strategic management of the supply chain to establish more adaptable safeguards which could improve the effectiveness and timely responses to emerging risks, global and regulatory changes.

Students will extend and deepen their knowledge of an aspect of business, logistics, supply chain, customer relationship management or freight security as appropriate to their award. Each student is required to perform a secondary research on a topic related to the logistics and supply chain industry. They will be required to apply a range of research and analytical skills.

This module introduces students to Distribution (or place), which is one of the four elements of marketing mix. An organization or set of organizations (go-betweens) involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by a consumer or manufacturer.  Chain of intermediaries, each passing the product down the chain to the next organization, before it finally reaches the consumer or end-user.  The elements in these chains will have their own specific needs, which the producer must take into account, along with those of the all-important end-user.

Admission Criteria

Age Requirement

  • at least 17 years old

Academic Requirement

  • At least Grade E in any two (2) GCE ‘A’ Level subjects or equivalent qualifications.


English Requirement

Students with equivalent foreign qualifications may be admitted provided they are proficient in the English Language, and possess

  • IELTS 5.5 or equivalent qualifications OR
  • A D7 Grade in GCE “O” Level – English Language OR
  • a Pass in English Placement Test determined by the College


Those who fail the English Placement Test will be required to successfully complete the EAP/ESL (Lower Intermediate) course conducted by college.

Course Information

Course Length:


  • 8 months


Candidates who successfully complete all 8 units of this programme will be awarded the Higher Diploma in Business (Logistics and Supply Chain Management) by Beacon International College.

Students may refer to the here for more information.

Teacher-Student Ratio

Students may refer to the here for more information.

Course Details


The course is mainly conducted in the classroom via face-to-face learning which encourages student-teacher interaction. Students are encouraged to attend field trips organised by the school to encourage experiential learning.

Mode of delivery:

  • Lecture
  • Tutorial
  • Practical


Teaching Methods:

  • Discussion
  • Team work
  • Field Trips
  • Presentation
  • Role Play


In-course assessments only will be conducted. In- course assessments may include quizzes, class tests, classparticipation in question and answer sessions, oral presentation, subject assignments including assignment reports, projects and demonstartions where relevant, valid and appropriate.