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为什么选择 beacon?



* 适用于 Pearson BTEC HND 课程





*截至 2024年05月




Beacon 国际学院于强化注册框架(ERF)下注册并获得 4 年 EduTrust 信托认证





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Beacon 国际学院激励了世界各地成千上万的学生

  • I am very satisfied with my studies at Beacon International College in Singapore. Indeed, the way of education is very different from the one I have always known in France. On the other hand, it allows me to be much more structured in my way of working and thinking. I am also learning to be more disciplined and it is very nice to see myself changing and progressing. I decided to go to this school because I know that it will help me to develop skills to succeed in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry for my future career. Studying in Singapore also allows me to discover a rich country with a unique and beautiful culture and knowledge.

    Camille Gurtner


  • I have been studying at Beacon for two years. To me, Beacon is not only a college but also a companion in my life. The staff and teachers have helped me a lot, they have taught me from the basics to the macro level and how to apply them in my life, they have guided me to maximize my potential, they have helped me prepare enough knowledge so that I can do my job well and build a solid career. In addition to knowledge, Beacon also gave me good friends and extra-curricular activities so that I can have fun studying, not be under pressure and improve my communication skills. If I had to choose again, I would still choose to study at Beacon.

    Nguyen Lam Nguyen

    培生 BTEC Level 5 英国高级大专 酒店管理

  • Beacon International College has made a great contribution to my personal development. Here, I have developed my leadership, time management, and team skills, and have also been able to take these skills to a whole new level. The best thing about this college is the cross-cultural interaction between students from all over the world, such as Vietnam, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka and India. In Beacon, I can have friends from all over the world, so in addition to learning knowledge, I can also get to know about different cultures. Of course, the lecturers here made the college what it is today. With an attitude of being ready to help, not only just providing classroom teaching. I am very happy to have the opportunity to complete my studies at Beacon

    Teo Qi Qian


  • In these three years, I completed the higher national diploma and degree business course at Beacon International College. Beacon has made a great contribution to my personal development. Studying at Beacon is one of the best experiences in my life. I have benefited a lot from my business courses. In addition to learning knowledge, I also can learn about different cultures. Under the careful guidance of teachers, various difficulties in assignments were overcome. I am very happy to successfully complete my studies at Beacon.

    On Maxine



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