English Introductory Short Course

Intake DateProgramme TypeCourse Fees
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The English Introductory Course is designed to meet the following aim:

  • To provide students some insight and exposure to English subject and the ways the subject is taught
Course Structure

The course is mapped onto the elementary level or lower intermediate level of Beacon’s Certificate in English as A Second Language course.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  1. Gain an insight of English curriculum  elementary or lower intermediate level
  2. Have a feel of the ways the subject is taught
Admission Criteria

Students should normally satisfy the following minimum academic requirements:

  • English starter level for entry into Elementary level
  • Elementary level for entry into Lower Intermediate level
Course Information

Course Duration:

Total Duration: 28 days
Total Course Hours: 60
Weekly time-tabled hours (teaching): 15
Course Frequency: on going

Class Size:

Class size: Maximum 20 pax per class for practical and tutorial lessons, Maximum 30 pax for lecture

Course Details


Assessment is not applicable for the English Introductory Short Course.