Advanced Diploma in Business Administration (Chinese)

Intake DateProgramme TypeCourse Fees
Click here to know more Advanced/Higher Diploma Click here to know more

The course focuses on:

  • Providing an enhanced and broad based educational foundation for supervisory and executive careers in business, administration and project management;
  • Developing a supervisory level of knowledge, understanding and skills of students in the field of business administration and management;
  • Providing opportunities for students to develop a range of supervisory and executive skills and techniques and attributes essential for successful performance in working life.
Course Structure

The Advanced Diploma course comprises eight subject units of study.

The subject units are as follows:

This unit provides a basic foundation in economics. Students will be exposed to microeconomic and macroeconomic issues in order to have an understanding of how the economy operates.

Students will examine the economic choices made by consumers, firms and the government, and how these decisions affect the market for a particular good or service. The unit incorporates a study of the theory of demand and supply, and discusses production costs, price determination and supply decisions for individual firms in different market structures.

It will survey the workings of a typical economy. Topics include economic growth, unemployment, inflation and the Keynesian model of the macro economy. Reference will be made to current case studies of global, regional and local issues.

This unit provides an introduction to the nature of organisations in relation to management practices. The unit examines the internal nature of organisations from both a theoretical and practical point of view. It develops an understanding of the behaviour of people within organisations and the significance of organisational design and characteristics. The unit aims to provide the basis for, and to underpin further study in, specialist areas of business.

This unit provides students with analytical and implementation tools related to strategic management of business organisations. It covers concepts of strategic management and management for success, analysis of internal and external business environment, competitive nature of business strategy, the process of forming corporate strategy etc.

This unit will introduce the philosophies and concepts of quality management. It will also cover methods, approaches and techniques of quality management including problem-solving tools, Quality Control Circle (QCC), Work Improvement Teams (WITs), Total Quality Management (TQM), and balance score card etc. Case studies will be used to engage students in discussion and role play.

This unit provides students with an understanding of financial problems facing all businesses and relevant approaches and methods in solving the problems. It covers a comprehensive foundation in financial management. Topics include financial statement analysis, long-term financial planning, time value of money, valuation of future cash flows, capital budgeting, risk and return, cost of capital and long-term financial policy short-term financial planning and management.

This unit examines the traits of successful entrepreneurs through analysis of real-life examples and workshops. It equips students with an understanding of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial management from a strategic perspective. Students will learn entrepreneurial strategy, how entrepreneurial firms overcome resource limitations, entrepreneurial action in innovation, market entry mode choices of corporate entrepreneurs, networking and alliances of small entrepreneurial firms with large companies, international entrepreneurship, strategic leadership, and the relationship between entrepreneurship and growth. Through understanding the issues and challenges of strategic entrepreneurship, students will appreciate the different approaches used by entrepreneurs in wealth creation in the current business environment.

This unit introduces typical project life cycle phases such as project initiation, project proposal, cost benefit analysis and assessment, resource allocation, project scheduling, control and monitoring, implementation and review. Project organization and roles and responsibilities of project manager and team members will be covered.

This unit is designed to introduce students to the techniques and methods of research. The unit addresses a variety of research methodologies, including the opportunity to carry out interventionist or action research.

Students will be required to produce a project report based on independent research into an area of professional business practice that interests them and will add to their professional development.

The study should use both primary and secondary sources of information, and should be an exploration of a current major issue in the area of business management. The study undertaken should build on knowledge, skills and understanding that have been achieved in other units. Tutor approval should be sought before commencing study.

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to demonstrate the following skills:

  1. Synthesis of a range of concepts, knowledge and skills relating to business administration for supervisory and executive level;
  2. Application of concepts and theories of project management, strategic management, quality management and financial management to practical, realistic work situations;
  3. Demonstrate understanding of principles & concepts of economics, entrepreneurship and organisational behaviour;
  4. Exhibit a balanced outlook in business administration management;
  5. Apply techniques and methods of research effectively in acquiring knowledge, and in gathering, organizing and presenting information.
Admission Criteria

Academic Requirement

  • Diploma in Business Administration and GCE ‘O’ Level Chinese
  • Chinese Senior High School Year 1
  • SMU 3
  • GCE ‘A’ Levels – at least two (2) Grade E
  • ITE Higher NITEC 2.5
  • STPM – 2 passes
  • Vietnam Grade 12
  • Any other equivalent qualifications


All applicants should possess

    • HSK Level 5 OR equivalent qualifications
Course Information

Course Length:

This Award takes approximately 480 hours excluding the development and implementation of coursework.


  • Recommended Duration: 12 months



  • Recommended Duration: 15 months


Candidates who successfully complete all 8 units of this programme will be presented with a Graduation Certificate awarded by Beacon International College.

Students may refer to the here for more information.

Teacher-Student Ratio

Students may refer to the here for more information.

Course Details

Lectures / Tutorials

The course is mainly conducted in the classroom via face-to-face learning which encourages student-teacher interaction. Students are encouraged to attend field trips and bazaars organised by the school to encourage experiential learning.


This course is assessed by a combination of coursework and exam. Coursework will be assessed throughout the unit and an exam will be at the end of each semester. Coursework involves doing a report, presentation or project work.