“Discover Singapore with Beacon”

As part of our “Discover Singapore with Beacon” series, on 11th January 2018, over 200 students and staff made a trip to one of Singapore’s largest Carnivals which was the Prudential Marina Bay Carnival 2018. Students had to complete a photo hunt located around the carnival in the shortest time possible to win themselves a carnival pack. At the end of the day, the carnival pack which consisted of 1 token card (with SGD35 credit) and 2 drink coupons worth a total of SGD45 were given away to 8 lucky groups. Congratulations again to all the 8 teams for completing the assigned task in the shortest amount of time. We hoped that the students enjoyed this event as much as we did. Last but not least, thank you to all the staff involved for their contributions and making this event a successful one.