CMET Students Explore Tech Trends at Tech in Asia

CMET students visited Tech in Asia on July 4th, 2024, where they were welcomed by the founder and CEO Mr. Willis Wee. 🥳 He shared insights on key tech industry trends, the rise of AI and blockchain, and the importance of understanding cultural differences for business strategies.😉 He discussed challenges like regulatory hurdles and market fragmentation, emphasizing flexibility and deep local knowledge.🧐

Mr. Wee highlighted the demand for skills in data analytics, AI, and cybersecurity, advising students on career preparation. 😆 He also covered project management, IT’s transformative role in business, and globalization’s impact on tech startups.  He shared Tech in Asia’s founding story and the importance of networking, attracting top talent, and maintaining ethical business practices.👍🏻

The visit concluded with a Q&A session, leaving students inspired and well-prepared for their future careers. Special thanks to Mr. Willis Wee for his invaluable insights.🙏🏻✨

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