

  • 招聘代理/营销职员会通过学生课前辅导和代理手册向学生解释课程申请程序和重要信息(例如,学费保障计划、学生合同的签署,退款政策、转学/退学政策、 出勤要求、奖励标准等)
  •  学生需签认招聘代理/营销职员已解释课前辅导清单上所的信息。双方签署好的课前辅导清单将会由招聘代理/营销职员交给学院。如果学生在新加坡,招聘代理 / 营销职员将进行课前辅导并将纸质文件提交给学院。
  • 学生 / 招聘代理 / 营销职员填写 Beacon 的申请表格。 招聘代理 / 营销职员将学生完整的申请表、最高学历(证书/成绩单公证副本,适用于中国国际学生)及新加坡移民局 (ICA) 要求的所有其他文件递交到学院。 学生还需向 Beacon 支付申请费。当学生抵达新加坡时,学院将核实学生证书/成绩单的原件。在 招聘代理协助学生填写申请表的情况下,学生必须在注册期间签名并验证所提供的信息为实。
  • 当学院收到申请文件时,申请文件将交给 Registrar Office 的执行人员进行核实。Registrar Office 职员审核申请,学院管理层将批准申请若满足以下条件:a) 学生满足所选课程的最低入学要求
    b) 对于英语授课的课程,学生已通过其本国的英语资格或 Beacon 的英语考试****
    c) 对于中文授课的课程,学生之前的学历是用中文进行的,或者在他/她的祖国的完成了中文的学历。

** 在适用的情况下,在学生抵达新加坡后进行Beacon 的英语考试。 Beacon 认可在本国中学或高中教育中使用英语媒介的国际学生的英语成绩,如印度、斯里兰卡、菲律宾等。 国际学生在中学或高中学习中未使用英语媒介如中国、越南、马来西亚等国家,学生在抵达新加坡后必须在Admin职员的监督下参加 Beacon 英语考试,以确定他们达到了他们课程的英语水平。 若没有到要求,须参加英语语言课程并通过要求的水平才能继续课程。


  • Registrar 职员或管理层可根据特有情况批准有条件录取通知书。其中情况包括:
    a) 学历的最终结果需要过后才能获得
    b) 学生已完成课程但正在等待证书和成绩单
    c) 申请的课程需要完成先修课程/单元。


  • The Executive of Registrar Office checks the qualifications and signs on the Application Form to confirm that he/she has verified the qualification. When in doubts about the qualification, he/she will refer the application to the Principal / Director (Academic) for consideration. When the need arises, the Principal / Director (Academic) will arrange for an interview and decide if the application should be approved. The Registrar or a member of the Management Team signs on the Application Form to confirm that he/she has verified the eligibility of the applicant and approves the application.
  • All applications must be approved by the Registrar or a member of the Management team. Admissions Staff will prepare a Letter of Offer and process the Student’s Pass (for international students) following the “Student Admission Procedure & Monitoring Process”. If the application is rejected, Admissions Staff will inform the RA / Marketing staff who will inform the student and recommend an alternative course, where applicable.
  • For students who apply for the Bachelor’s Degree programme, an appointed staff verifies the authenticity of the applicants’ qualification. An email will be sent to the applicant’s college / university for the award qualification verification.

Borderline or special cases

  • When the need arises, the Principal / Director (Academic) will interview applicants of ‘borderline’ or ‘special’ cases before they are accepted. This is to determine that they can benefit from joining the course.

Students who fail the English Placement Test

  • Students who do not meet the English entry requirement seeking admission to Beacon to study for a course conducted in English must sit for an English Placement Test to assess the students’ language ability. If the student fails the English Placement Test, Beacon will arrange to place the student in an English class of a suitable level for a specific number of hours to bridge the gap.
  • Admissions Staff generates 2 copies of the Student Contract (SC) after generating the LOO and LOA and sends them to the respective RA/Marketing Staff who will explain the contract clauses to the applicant. The applicant must understand the contract clauses before signing the contract.
  • For International students, upon Registrar’s approval of the application and receipt of complete information, Admissions Staff processes the STP application via ICA’s on-line SOLAR+ system.
  • Upon approval of the STP application, Admissions Staff informs the RA/Marketing Staff by sending an email notification within 3 working days. The RA/ Marketing Staff then forwards the email to the student. The SC and Fee Payable are attached with this email. The In-Principle Approval (IPA) Letter is forwarded to the student after course fee payment has been made to Beacon.
  • Upon receipt of the course fee payment, the relevant staff purchases the FPS to protect the course fee.
  • For STP applications that are rejected by ICA, Admissions Staff informs the RA/ Marketing Staff within 3 working days upon receipt of notification from ICA.
  • If the student wishes to submit an appeal, Admissions Staff assists the student by forwarding the student’s appeal letter to ICA.
  • When the International students arrive in Singapore, Admissions Staff arranges for medical check-up, ICA appointments, Student’s Pass collection, etc.
  • Admissions Staff and Admin Staff conducts Orientation briefing to explain the admission procedures and issues the Student Handbook to the student. The student is informed of the Student Contract, Refund Policy, FPS, Medical Insurance, Transfer/Withdrawal Policy & Procedures, Attendance requirement, Award criteria, etc. The New Student Survey is also administered by the Admin Staff during orientation.
  • An Orientation Programme is conducted for all new students. The programme includes a welcome session by the Principal, academic and administrative staff; team building activities (centres on Beacon’s Core Values) and bonding sessions involving new and existing students and staff.
  • Should a student be late for an intake, he/she is allowed a two-week late insertion into the course. The student is required to join the next intake if he/she joins the intake later than 2 weeks. The student must sign the ‘Joining an On-going Class’ Form to acknowledge and agree to join the course even though it has commenced. Such requests to join an on-going class must be approved by a member of the Management Team.